Geoff Crawford

Fake Cakes and substituting Extra Virgin Olive Oil
How to convert butter to extra virgin olive oil in your baking.
Geoff Crawford

Community Pressing Day CANCELLED
Got some Olive Trees? Want to make your own extra virgin olive oil?
Tracy Dennis

Olive Oil Tasting Event
Juliet Harbutt Master of Cheese will lead an immersive tasting session on Olive Oil.Juliet says " Olive oil ranges from the sublime and grassy to the sharp and greasy but we don’t often get a chance to taste them side by side. I have judged oils and used to sell over 35 oils in my London shop but am unfamiliar with NZ oils. So, I have invited Geoff Crawford from Telegraph Hill Olives to do a comparison tasting of oils from his award-winning oil to those you buy in the supermarkets and explain what makes them so different." If you...
Geoff Crawford
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