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Goat's Cheese, Walnut and Beetroot Salad
Poached Eggs with Manuka Smoke infused Balsamic Drizzle
Five minute Fried Rice
Canadian Style Olive Oil Pancakes
Wasabi, Potato & Apple Salad
Peach, Halloumi and Smoked Balsamic Salad
Telegraph Hill Hemp Dukkah Crusted Halloumi with Bulgur Wheat Tabbouleh
Olive and Tomato Loaf
Marinated Feta
Italian Lemon Olive Oil Cake
Chicken Avocado Caprese Salad
Chia seed bread, Avocado, Goat feta and Telegraph Hill Olive Dukkah
Beetroot Pickled Eggs
Basil mozzarella prosciutto & balsamic canapes
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