Olivery News — harvest
Geoff Crawford

Why Assess Olive Size
Every year throughout the growing season we regularly measure the growth of the olives.
This is done by.....
Geoff Crawford
When do I pick?
This frequently asked question is often answered with another question....what do you want to do with your olives? Eat or Oil? The rule is the eating olives (table olives) are picked first, while the flesh is still strong so that it will not soften during the natural fermentation, which lasts up to 8 months. Oil olives are picked later, so that the oil has maximum time to accumulate in the olive prior to pressing. The next question: where are you? Northland start picking in March, Otago in June, and anywhere in between is in between! Ripeness determines the time to...
Geoff Crawford

November in the Olive Grove
See how to spot a set flower on an Olive tree, and the mechanics of flowering.
Geoff Crawford

Olive Harvest - Tips for you at home!
The olive harvest at Telegraph Hill is almost underway and this year it is running to schedule - bang on time with a medium sized olive crop. The first variety of olives harvested are an Italian variety called Ouvo D'Piccione, known for their large green fruit. These are ready to be harvested now at two of our groves. Manzanillo Olives are next - this is the main crop which is harvested from 8 groves dotted around Hawkes Bay. Kalamata Olives are the final variety harvested around mid May - see these trees next time you visit The Olivery. Here are some tips on harvesting your own crop! -...
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