Olivery News — green

Geoff Crawford

Grove Update - So How Big Are Those Olives?

With Harvest fast approaching (May) we are starting to asses how the olives are doing.  Big change this year, I am measuring the olives and recording their size.  This is to give a benchmark for future years as to where the olives are at.  I hope to make better growing and harvest decisions as a result.  The ultimate objective is to grow larger olives by changing the variables on the grove. This picture show the Manzanillo tree at the Olivery.  At 19mm it is a big fruit for this time of year.  The average width is around 16mm. Good tree...

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Geoff Crawford

Soon we will harvest

Check out these olives!  This picture of the Manzanillo olives on the trees in the Villa grove.  They are huge! Its been a fantastic growing season this year.  We've had healthy trees and low rainfall - a drought in fact!   Looking to harvest in a week or so, around the 6th of May. Interesting how the olives are green and black right next to each other.  

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Geoff Crawford

Green Olive Harvest Begins

  Today I harvested the big green olive tree.  We think it is a Uovo D'Piccione or UDP for short.  We ended up with three of these among the Kalamata trees due to a mix up at the nursery.  Its very hard to tell olive trees apart, especially when they are still seedlings resulting in nursery mix ups being a regular occurrence. This one tree produced 14kg of fruit, which we will process and make available through the Olivery shop. As the picture shows they are a large fruit, they have a nutty & light olive flavour.    

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