Olivery News

Geoff Crawford

Harvest Highlights

This shows the matrix we use to identify the quality of the olives after harvest as they come in from the grove.  This lot is from our Haumoana contract grower. Harvest notes from the log: Manzanillo Olives Good colour range A little disease (see the two green olives five rows down position three & four have brown spots).  These will need hand grading out. Not many stalks attached (makes for happy hand graders) Good size olives No wrinkle No frost damage Acceptable leaf and sticks quantity

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Geoff Crawford

Sensory Evaluation Evening

Do you want to taste more in your meals?   This fun evening will help you evaluate flavours in food.  You can apply this knowledge to olives and olive oil at the evening, and every time you eat or drink afterwards. Recognise what part of your mouth tastes sweet bitter sour salt astringency  umami. Test your nose, can you pick a scent? If you have ever wondered what it is in a good olive or good oil you are supposed to recognise then this is for you. Join us for a relaxed evening, where you will get the chance to educate...

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Geoff Crawford

Harvesting Green Olives

Here I am picking green olives on the 31st March at the Olivery.  This is an Ouvo D'Piccione tree, its olives a variety known for their large green fruit.  This tree had 35kg of olives on it, a fantastic yield!  I immediately thought I know how to grow olives.... until the next two trees had zero olives, sigh... such is horticulture.  This precious crop will be sold through the Olivery tasting room and to local restaurants.  When its gone its gone!

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Geoff Crawford

Visit to the Spanish Olive Library

In January I had the opportunity to visit the Spanish Institute of Agriculture, in Cordoba, Spain.  This is a government organisation of scientists who investigate olives.  They are experts in growing olives and specialise in DNA coding olives to ensure varieties are pure.  As you could imagine an amazing amount of knowledge held be this organisation and the people who work in it.  Our Hosts Angela and Jarvier led us on a walk through the 'Olive Library'.  A grove with 800 different varieties.  I was like a kid in a toy shop as we browsed the different shapes and colours of olives....

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