Do you want to taste more in your meals?
This fun evening will help you evaluate flavours in food. You can apply this knowledge to olives and olive oil at the evening, and every time you eat or drink afterwards.
Recognise what part of your mouth tastes
- sweet
- bitter
- sour
- salt
- astringency
- umami.
Test your nose, can you pick a scent?
If you have ever wondered what it is in a good olive or good oil you are supposed to recognise then this is for you.

Join us for a relaxed evening, where you will get the chance to educate your palate and apply these learnings to olives and olive oil (& life of course!).
Date : Thursday 26th June 7.30pm
Location: Common Room, 227 Heretaunga st East, Hastings, Hawke's Bay
Cost: $20
The fine print. We recommend you eat dinner prior to coming. As part of the evening you will be required to taste and smell liquid and solid samples. Cash bar operating, you can sup while evaluating!