Olivery News — olive
Geoff Crawford
Night Harvest
Olives picked today are processed tonight. Here is some pictures from last nights processing.
I find the olives always look better at night, I think it is 'selective seeing' in the low light...certainly the spills look smaller until the next day.
I use this equipment to deleaf and size out the small olives. The large olives go into barrels and vats for fermentation in brine and the smalls get pressed for oil within 24 hours..
Geoff Crawford
Harvesting 2014
Have had a lot of inquiries for Fresh Olives for home curing, so have made these available on the website. Check them out.
Some pictures from this years harvest .
Geoff Crawford
Harvest Highlights
This shows the matrix we use to identify the quality of the olives after harvest as they come in from the grove. This lot is from our Haumoana contract grower.
Harvest notes from the log:
Manzanillo Olives
Good colour range
A little disease (see the two green olives five rows down position three & four have brown spots). These will need hand grading out.
Not many stalks attached (makes for happy hand graders)
Good size olives
No wrinkle
No frost damage
Acceptable leaf and sticks quantity
Geoff Crawford
Harvesting Green Olives
Here I am picking green olives on the 31st March at the Olivery. This is an Ouvo D'Piccione tree, its olives a variety known for their large green fruit. This tree had 35kg of olives on it, a fantastic yield! I immediately thought I know how to grow olives.... until the next two trees had zero olives, sigh... such is horticulture. This precious crop will be sold through the Olivery tasting room and to local restaurants. When its gone its gone!
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