Geoff Crawford

Awesome NZ Artisan Food App
Amanda and Shelly have created this fantastic app showcasing NZ Food. This is a must for tourists and locals wanting to see the best of NZ. Its called the FoodPath NZ - - They shout out and thank people along the way who make a big effort to grow, raise and make lovely and real New Zealand food. Because these producers work super hard doing something pretty special. It covers daytime cafes, artisans, specialty grocers and markets. In an unfamiliar NZ region, it can be tricky to find the classic, and best, daytime food experiences, and often times to...
Geoff Crawford
Whats Geoff (the owner) of Telegraph Hill look like?
Adam and Eve from The Adam and Eve Show on TV2 visited Telegraph Hill. They didn’t know what they were going to be doing at the Olivery.
They made a show of us all picking and spitting olives. It was a fun time, excuse my nervous start, we got into the swing of things eventually!
Geoff Crawford
Coconut oil is bad for your heart
I’ve watched the ‘clever marketing’ for coconut oil, it's shown me if you say something enough times it becomes a truth. Despite the science. Here’s an article from the American Heart Association stating its as bad for your heart as any other saturated fat. A full circle back to ‘old school’ thinking. Saturated fats are bad for your heart health. Saturated fats have always been bad for you, but somehow coconut oil (which is 82% saturated fat) wasn’t. Thumbs up for the marketing people, job well done, nailed the sales targets. Of course plenty of science has shown that coconut oil...
Geoff Crawford

Olives and Pigs
Pigs. The wild pigs at the Mohaka grove are the bain of Brad. When I visit the grove to look at the trees, the first thing I have to do is look at the photos of Brads close encounters with the natural wild life. And it is wild. If he spots one without his gun he’s not getting out of the tractor cab. ‘They’ll go ya’ he says. He has photos of the pigs alive and dead, taken from the cab and standing in the rows, and of course great stories about the ones that got away. He likes...
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