Eddie is our youngest olive tree adopter. His recent visit (Oct 2013) was soon after our transplanting of the Kalamata Olives. We tracked his tree from its old location to new. It has a new number (H4) and Eddie has appropriately named it 'Heddie'.
We gave Eddie the choice of new tree but he chose to stay with this one. Well done Eddie we like your loyalty!
We are pleased to report that 33 of the 34 transplanted trees are growing well with plenty of new growth. One has not sprouted yet, but we are remaining positive!
'Heddie' at 31 December 2014, some sprouts coming....
If your tree has moved we will let you know your new number with March packages.
Remember we have a product guarantee - we guarantee your products even in a bad year (and this will be a bad year for 'Heddie' & other transplanted olive trees)
All march packages will contain 6 pouches of yummy olives.