What's up on the grove?.
We've had one of the best springs for 25 years. It has been warm, regular rain and gentle winds. This has facilitated a fantastic fruit set on the trees. (Fruit set is a terms used for the conversion of flowers to fruit.) so things so far are looking good. The last couple of weeks have had some severe Hail storms in the Hawke's Bay. This has damaged some fruit crops. We have been lucky in that they have missed our olive groves.
The transplanted Kalamata Olives (right) are starting to grow with little shoots starting to come away. We are keeping up the water to these stumps, as they can very easily dry out.
The Villas grove (below) has now has two years of growth from the 'reset' prune we did. Here is the comparison pictures. We will get some fruit off these trees this year. But not from the tree the sheep have eaten! (front right of picture).