Pink Pickled Vegetables
250ml Telegraph Hill Beet & Apple cider vinegar
100ml Water
100g white sugar
25ml Lemon Juice
1 tbls mustard seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 medium carrot
½ white onion
¼ Cabbage
3-4 sticks of celery
½ telegraph cucumber (de-seeded)
1 tbls capers (optional)
Pink pickles - In a pan add beetroot & apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, lemon juice, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, fennel seeds. Bring to the boil.
Whilst heating, finely slice carrot, onion, cabbage, celery, de-seeded cucumber. (Capers can be added too)
When liquid is boiling add shredded vegetables (make sure they are just covered by the liquid. Bring back to the boil then strain (keep the liquid if you want to store veges in a sterlised* jar in the fridge) and chill.
Eat straight away or add to a jar and store in the fridge for up to 3 months.
Great in sandwiches, with cured fish, accompanying charcutier or strong cheeses.
(*Step 1 - Wash thoroughly in hot soapy water, rinse and drain. Step 2 - Place on oven racks, with space between them and heat at 120C for 10-15 minutes. Or you can put jars in a large pot of boiling water for 10 minutes then drain upside down on a clean tea towel and dry in the oven.)