

Olive and Tomato Loaf
- 4 cups flour
- 7 tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp baking soda
- ½ cup chopped Telegraph Hill pitted Kalamata olives
- ½ packet Telegraph Hill Manuka Smoked Semi-dried tomatoes roughly chopped
- 1 spring onion, finely sliced
- 1 cup grated Cheese or Feta
- 50g butter
- 1 ½ cups milk
- Pre-heat oven to 190℃
- Brush mini loaf tins or muffin tins with the oil from the Semi-dried tomatoes.
- Sift flour, baking powder and soda into a large bowl.
- Add chopped olives, sundried tomato slices, spring onion and cheese and toss together.
- Stir in grated butter and milk and mix briefly to form a soft dough. (think making scones)
- Spoon into pre prepared tins and brush with some of the oil from the Semi-dried tomatoes.
- Bake for 15-20 minutes or until puffed, golden and cooked in the centre
These are a great substitute for scones or as an accompaniment to a hearty bowl of soup in winter