Monkfish with bean & olive stew
60ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
100g Telegraph Hill Red pepper and herb pitted green olives sliced
400g tinned black beans
400g tinned cannellini beans
200g green beans
1 x carrot
1 x onion
4 x garlic cloves
1 x tbsp chopped parsley
Juice of 1 lemon
250 ml cream
2 x Monkfish fillets
2 x tsp Telegraph Hill olive powder
Dice the carrot, garlic and onion and fry in the Extra Virigin Olive Oil until soft. Top and tail the green beans and cut in half and add to the pan. Drain & rinse the tinned beans and add to the pan. Add the lemon juice, cream and season to taste. Reduce the liquids till thickened then add the chopped parsley and the sliced green olives. Take off the heat.
Heat some Extra Virgin Olive oil in a frying pan. Season the fish fillets with salt, pepper and olive powder. Just as the oil starts to smoke add the fish filets to the pan. Cook 4-5 mins per side or until cooked through, depending on the thickness of the filet. Monkfish is cooked through when it’s opaque throughout, flakes easily and becomes slightly firm. Once cooked serve with the bean stew.