Olivery News — grove
Geoff Crawford
How to Prune an Olive Tree video 1
Video 1. How to prune an Olive tree with a chain saw. Aston making it look easy.
Geoff Crawford
Rabbit View From My Office Window
As I locked up last night I saw this very cute rabbit grazing under the olives. How lucky we are to work in a place like this!
Geoff Crawford
Harvesting Green Olives
Here I am picking green olives on the 31st March at the Olivery. This is an Ouvo D'Piccione tree, its olives a variety known for their large green fruit. This tree had 35kg of olives on it, a fantastic yield! I immediately thought I know how to grow olives.... until the next two trees had zero olives, sigh... such is horticulture. This precious crop will be sold through the Olivery tasting room and to local restaurants. When its gone its gone!
Geoff Crawford
Grove update Eddie checks his tree
Eddie is our youngest olive tree adopter. His recent visit (Oct 2013) was soon after our transplanting of the Kalamata Olives. We tracked his tree from its old location to new. It has a new number (H4) and Eddie has appropriately named it 'Heddie'. We gave Eddie the choice of new tree but he chose to stay with this one. Well done Eddie we like your loyalty! We are pleased to report that 33 of the 34 transplanted trees are growing well with plenty of new growth. One has not sprouted yet, but we are remaining positive! 'Heddie' at...
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