Transplanting Kalamata Olive Trees

Time will tell whether this was a good decision or not.  I've moved every second Kalamata tree to increase the space it has to grow, so that it will grow larger, produce more fruit and be happier!

Telegraph Hill Olive tree transplantFirst we had to chop the tops off them.

Olive tree transplanting at Telegraph HillThis ones ready to move.  We labelled each one to keep track of the adopted trees

Olive tree transplanting at Telegraph HillDig them up with a digger.


Olive tree transplanting at Telegraph HillPlant them in pre dug holes. 


Olive tree transplanting at Telegraph HillSome water and this olive tree is ready to grow. 


Olive tree transplanting at Telegraph HillUnfortunately some didn't make it.  This one we ring barked so we decided to chop off right at the base. It should still grow. 

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