Whats still happening?
The boil water notice remains in place. This infection has had a massive impact on a small community. There are many emergency organisations involved in helping the public to get and stay healthy. Red Cross, Rapid Disaster Relief and Age Concern are all visible in our community. Water has become the new currency
Ongoing preventative measures:
We are still taking prudent steps to ensure product safety. We can confirm that our products are safe to eat.
- We are a separate water system to the affected Havelock North supply.
- This separate system is a bore water, from our own well. We are regularly testing this water, and will continue to regularly test until we know more information. Tests so far have all been clear.
- To make sure our products are safe, we keep all manufactured product on hold in our warehouse until the clear result is received.
- We will continue this cycle of holding product, testing the water, and releasing it, until we have clarity from the Hastings District Council on the healthiness of every bore in Hastings.
What can you do?
Don’t let this happen in your area. Be mindful of this event where we humans have poisoned ourselves by keeping our head in the sand and ignoring the environment.
I encourage you to go a little green, take one small step (Neil Armstrong!) to care more for your environment, and keep what we have for years to come. We certainly will be in Hawke’s Bay.
And to help struggling families in Hawke’s Bay? Right now the sickness levels are declining, people are back at work, and businesses need income. You can support these people by purchasing products made in Hawke’s Bay, they are safe to eat. All food manufacturing businesses are all going though extra costs to ensure their product safety.
I hope this doesn’t come to a town near you.
Geoff Crawford
Owner Telegraph Hill