Geoff went to Spain (for research) and Japan (for customer visit) in January 2016.
A summary in pictures below.
Mr Nagagawa, Ayumi Kudo & Geoff in Mr Nagakawa's shop Olive & Salt, Tokyo.
Plenty of beautiful temples in Tokyo
Best Green Tea I've ever had with these three #GreenTeaCeremony
Ahh Spanish Olive trees - its a man made forest
This museum had an old press on display. A donkey to crush the olives and a Matt press at the back.
We need order, humanity, more lego...
Not a blade of grass on the ground.....
....and 100,000 trees at Suerte Alta
This 800 year old castle is in the way of the Olive trees....
100 year old Olive tree
Olive trees surround the olive Mill bottom right.
Traditional Olive farming practice. No grass, earth or stones in a circle around the tree to collect rain water, up to three trees planted in the same hole.
These were being picked by hand, one tree at a time....